Friday, September 30, 2016

Pics from Shizuoka 静岡からの写真

Date: 9/26/2016
Place: Shizuoka City
Companion: Elder Wilson


AP exchanges! APの長老たちと交換!
Nice folks. 

Colorful apartment building とってもポップな団地

Got lost in Jurassic Park looking for the Hamamatsu church building.

They did a Mormon Show in Hamamatsu and I got to meet Elder Sheppard 

and Elder Johnson  ジョンソン長老とも会いました。
Bro. Goto - He was my mom's youth leader. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

More interesting things to look at in the zoo in Japan

Date: 9/19/2016
Place: Shizuoka
Companion: Elder Wilson


Hey guys! Sorry j don't have any time to write today because we're
going to the zoo with Nagakura 兄弟! 


The weirdest thing at the zoo? White people. People probably looked at us as much as they looked at the animals!

Random nice people we met 通りすがりの人々たちと

Bro. Nagakura + orangutan 永倉兄弟とオラウータン

So basically a lot of great stuff
has been happening this week! We met with Moe, our Swiss friend, with
Brother Chikano on Tuesday! It was way cool and chikano 兄弟 bore the
strongest testimony I've ever heard in his simple English. He's a
boss! (And he has a superman jawline, which is also awesome). Moe went
back to Switzerland so we are trying to get into contact with church
leaders there. Haha this is weird!  


Nagata family! Love them. 

Then we visited Ikeyama San with Suzuki 兄弟, who is a psychiatrist, 
so we could learn a little bit more about his situation. 
It went over super well and we're super grateful
for Suzuki 兄弟. Lately Ikeyama San hasn't been meeting us or coming to
church so we have been a bit worried. But after this lesson we are
starting to understand his situation just a little bit more. He's such
a nice guy! We had some great finding experiences this week as well! On Saturday
we found a couple new PIs who are way cool.

I WANT TO HOLD A BABY MONKEY SO BAD (my first son will probably look something like this)
A lot of fish 

One of the biggest things that happened this week is all of the phone
calls and communication that has been happening between us and the
APs, and then on to the District Leaders. THIS MISSION IS CHANGING SO
FAST. Especially starting from next transfer, things are going to
change a lot. The bar is being raised and our vision elevated. We are
cleaning out everyone's iPads, cleaning up language and Japanese use,
elevating effectiveness and pushing for consecration. The new
missionaries are going to grow up in a very very different Japan
Nagoya Mission than I've known. We've kinda just stopped speaking
English lately as well. The mission, as a culture, is changing and
it's awesome! All of this is coming from the honbu.
Ok I gotta go!

Love y'all!

Elder Johnson

Monday, September 12, 2016

This Mission is Changing 新しい規則- 日本語 (Japanese)

Date: 9/12/2016
Place: Shizuoka
Companion: Elder Wilson

日付: 2016年9月12日
赴任地: 静岡県静岡市
同僚: ウィルソン長老

The sisters lent us their bikes because ours was wrecked. 

Man this week went so fast and was so long at the same time. I don't
even know where to start! Ok so we had another couple of exchanges. We
wanted to get all of our exchanges done with our district leaders
early in the transfer so they can train and follow up on all the other
missionaries throughout the transfer. 


We exchanged with Fujieda on
Monday night. Elder Hilamatsu came with me and went with Brother Miwa
(the older) to go hunt down some less actives. We didn't get locked
out of the apartment this time so that was good :). 


Koukan (exchange) life. Ending the koukan. 

Then we switched on Wednesday and I went to Fukuroi with Elder Spadafora. It was fun!
We went looking for some former investigators and ended up finding a
handful of Brazilians instead! I finally got to actually use my Portuguese! 

Haha it's still not good but at least I know enough to get us a next appointment. 

そして水曜日、今度は私が袋井へ行って、スパダフォラ長老と伝道しました。楽しかったです。昔の求道者を探しに行ったんですが、それよりか、福音を聞いてくれそうなブラジル人を数人見つけることができました。やっとポルトガル語を使えて良かったです!ハハハ まだまだ全然うまくもなんともないんですが、次のアポを取るくらいはなんとかできました。

Then we finished the exchanged and I finally came home to Shizuoka with Elder Wilson and we went home and literally
collapsed. We hadn't eaten any substantial food or had a normal
sleeping schedule for a long time because we did three exchanges in
under a week. Elder Wilson took the hit pretty hard and just lay
motionless there on the ground for a few hours. Both of us could
barely walk! I just used some random stuff around the apartment and
made some curry and we finally had a normal meal with normal rice and
just took a moment to recover and be normal for a second. 


Then we pretty much spent the next two days on the phone and planning. 
We had a mission wide phone conference with the APs and all of the zone
leaders. We discussed a lot of things and wow, this mission is
changing so fast! I'm so excited! We have been just destroying the
phone and organizing everyone that has ever talked to a missionary in
Shizuoka. It's been super effective! 

On Saturday we threw a birthday
party for Elder Wilson! Thanks to our fantabulous shimai, it worked
out great! It was a total surprise to him and we had three
investigators, a part member and a handful of members and even an
english class student there! We played guitar, played games and ate
good food. Tsujimoto Shimai even made a fancy birthday cake and Kiyomi
Shimai brought a box of cookies from COSTCO! It was awesome!



Elder Wilson's birthday party ウィルソン長老のバースデーパーティー

On Sunday, we had a complete random bunch of miracles! As we were
walking to church, Suzuki San just called out to us from his window
(half naked as always) and invited us in for a cup of tea. We told him
that we couldn't because we were on our way to church and invited him
along. 10am rolls around and HE JUST SHOWED UP! Also Raita, whom we
didn't even invited, came along with Okumura and Iwano Shimai's son.
It's raining miracles! So there was a pile of people at church and we
were outnumbered. The shimai couldn't help us because they also had
some folks at church! I want to get these guys to just go sit with
members if possible.

We have a great week lined up! We actually had time to do weekly
planning yesterday so this week is going to be AWESOME!
Elder Wilson and I have been having so much fun!



Elder Wilson's birthday haul from the Ward ウィルソン長老、ワードからの誕生日のプレゼント

OK RANDOM UPDATE! The Japan Nagoya Mission will be becoming a Japanese
speaking mission next transfer! The Honbu released a new rule,
effective next transfer 9am to 9pmJapanese only will become a thing.
YES!! I'm so excited for this! This is going to help my japanese so
much! Elder Wilson has already been helping me a lot with kanji. It's
been great!


Random miracle of the week; We were going to go to the gym with Bishop
(because he's a body builder. LEGIT) but then we found out that Elder
Wilson's bike decided to punk itself in the middle of the night so his
tire was flat. This is the third time in three weeks! Anyway so we
canceled on the bishop and walked in our gym clothes to the store to
get a punk kit. On our way there, I remembered something that Elder
Williams said in DTM. He said to just cut the fluff in OYMs and just
be bold and invite people to just hear the Gospel right off the bat.
So we stopped this guy on a bike and asked him if he had ever thought
about God. He said, "no." So then we said, "We've got a book that
talks about God. Here you go." And he actually took it! And then we
just asked for his number and he gave it to us! That one surprised me
a lot. Normally we kinda beat around the bush and try to get them to
like us before we introduce the Gospel. But not with this guy. We just
Gospel smashed him in the face and he actually took it!


Anyways. Be bold! Be faithful! Believe and it will be so! It's sounds
cliche but that's really about all there is to it. The funny thing
about the Gospel is that God literally gives you everything you want.
He will give you investigators, success and Spiritual Power if you
want it. But only if you want it more than anything else and are
willing to do anything for it. Don't just keep the rules but WANT to
keep them because they work! Don't just talk to people on the street
because that's what you're supposed to do. DO IT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO!
God will let you play a part in His work and His glory only if you
want it more than anything else. If you don't sincerely want it, pray
to want it. That's all it takes.


Lately we are shifting our focus from work to results. My entire
mission I've focused on working really hard, not getting stuff done.
If we can cut down this tree with a chain saw, LET'S USE THE CHAIN
SAW. If there's a member that can drive us to this investigator's
house, USE HIM. It's not about working, it's about getting results. We
have two random tachiai lessons set up this week and we are trying
hard to change the way we think about things. Working here is weird
because we spend so little time actually working but when we get any
time at all to go out and do stuff, STUFF HAPPENS!

Ok this email is long enough. Sorry guys.

Love Y'all!

Elder Johnson - The second hardest working missionary you know





Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I Stayed the Night at the Church - Adventures of a Homeless Missionary

Date: 9/5/2016
Place: Shizuoka
Companion: Elder Wilson

This has been the absolute awesomestest, most insane week of my entire
life! We met with Suzuki San, a guy that we met while walking to the
church on my second day here. He's just a cool, crazy old grandpa who
lives right next to the church and loves to travel the world and play
his Shakuhachi (Boss Japanese Flute). So we went over to his house and
he ended up teaching us old Japanese traditional stuff like how to
properly kneel, bow and present yourself while playing the Shakuhachi,
Samurai style. It was AWESOME. He handed each of us a flute and we
practiced for a bit. I couldn't get any good sounds out though haha!
Also he happened to have a Didgeridoo from Australia! THOSE ARE NOT
COMMON IN JAPAN. It was way cool and Elder Wilson played a little for
us. It was so cool! His wife is really nice and fed us awesome
Japanese food. I think she has more potential as far as learning the
Gospel goes. We had fun but I don't think they have a ton of potential
right now. We'll see.

We taught Suzuki Kyodai that night at the church. He's awesome! I love
him and he has a rock solid testimony. His wife and kids are not
members so please pray for them :). 

Also that day we went to an
Ukulele shop and made friends with the owner. He's a big Jake
Shimabukuro fan and has a ton of really high end, actual Hawaiian
ukes! He isn't interested in the Gospel but he did agree to advertise
our ward music night and even offered to lend me an ukulele for it! We
jammed to a couple of Jake's songs and left. It was really fun!

On Wednesday we went out to lunch with one of our YSA's who is
studying at a college near here. He hasn't been to church in a while
because he's busy with school but he wants to go on a mission! We went
to the famous Shakey's (It's pretty much Pizza Pie Cafe - AMERICAN
FOOD YEAH!) and we just talked about how awesome missions are and got
him excited to serve. 

Then we biked all the way out to Mihara San's house and we attempted to teach him a lesson. He's an interesting
case. He's an artist and a very deep thinker and so wrapping his mind
around religion is hard for him. We'll see how he turns out.

We just prepped for ZTM and went and met with our Ward Mission
Leader. On our way there we knocked on a few doors. No one answered
and we were about to leave when Elder Wilson just said, "One more
door!" so we did and found someone! It made us late but we found
someone who listened to us!

Today we had an insane day! ZTM went really well. I felt the spirit
and I think others did too. It felt good. 

Afterwards we started the
koukan with Numazu Elders. Elder Wilson went with Elder Iwaasa and I
got elder Otsu. We hurried and cleaned up the church and then booked
it for the apartment. Elder Wilson called and told us that he forgot
and took the key with him! So we were locked out! None of the windows
were open so we were stuck! But we had an appointment to be to so we
booked it for shimizu (it was really hot today). On the way there,
Elder Otsu's bike seat completely fell off! So we stopped by at a
local mechanic shop and they let us use some tools. Turns out it was
completely broken and not fixable so elder Otsu just rode seatless the
whole way to shimizu! We were forty minutes late by the time we rolled
up at 池山's house. We asked to see his parents so he took us the rest
of the way to his house and asked his parents if they wanted to meet
us. They didn't sound real happy and said no. So then he asked us if
we wanted to go to the college that he wants to get into. He said it
was kinda far but he was on a Mamachari so I figured it couldn't be
too bad. IT WAS BAD. We never made it to the college.  

He decided he
wanted to go to a art museum instead and so we road all the way to
Higashi Shizuoka MAMACHARI speed! So it took an hour and a half. We
got there and taught him a lesson. The lesson went really well. He
prays every day and has a Book of Mormon. We taught him about what it
was and the laws and commandments contained and how they could make
him even more happy. He accepted it all! We taught very very simply
and he agreed to come to church! He has a better understanding of the
Book of Mormon now. 

Then we left and finally went to get something to
eat because neither of us had really eaten anything all day. We barely
had time to stop at The Big and grab some pudding and bentos. Then we
booked it for the church for Eikwaiwa. We ate quickly and then I made
a ton of phone calls trying to get us into our apartment/trying to get
permission to sleep at the church. We weren't able to get into our
apartment but Everything worked out with getting permission and all so
that we could stay at the church! ITS BEEN AWESOME! Elder Otsu isn't
terribly happy about the whole thing. But I had so much fun! It's been
a crazy, weird adventure. We found some rugs and stuff that we laid
out on the ground and slept on. I used a seat cushion as a pillow. I
spent the whole night just wondering how long that seat cushion had
spent underneath other humans and now I was using it as a pillow. Haha
I slept surprisingly well! Which was good because we didn't have any
time to be tired the next day! 

We got up, I did a little of training
and then we hopped on train for Numazu. We got there and I was
reunited with my beloved Elder Wilson and went to a Sushi place to eat
lunch with the Numazu elders. It was my first actual meal in like two
or three days so that was good! Then we hopped on a train back home.

We found a cool guy from Kyoto who had just climbed Fuji that night.
He's super nice and actually asked for our number! We'll see if we can
hand him off to the guys in Kyoto. It was way cool! 

And I was so tired
that I wanted to die. We got back to the church finally and were about
to ride home so I could finally shower and brush my teeth (by this
time it was after 4pm) but then we discovered that Elder Wilson's bike
had a flat tire. So we literally sprinted home, I took a wet wipe
shower and changed clothes and then we sprinted back and ran onto the
bus as it was about to pull away! We made it to the station on time
for our appointment with the Fu family! They are our new Chinese
investigators. We went and had good chinese food with them and invited
them to church!
Then we finally went home.

We had so many people come to church! We had Iwano Shimai's son, who
is not a member, so I went and sat with him while Elder Wilson sat
with the Fu family. Then Okumura san came after Sacrament meeting and
we were completely outnumbered at this point so we asked Chikano
Kyodai to make sure he felt welcome. 

The Shimai have been working
really hard and they also had two investigators in church! Shizuoka is
going nuts! Also Sister Wilcox, who served here a while back, came
back to visit with her parents. Then we went to the Bishop's house
with the Wilcox's, the shimai and their investigator. It was so fun!

Aight sorry this email is super long and I feel like I haven't even
covered all of the stuff that happened this week but I should probably
send this now.

I love Shizuoka! The Lord is blessing us so much. For the first time
in my life I can actually feel the Spirit ALL THE TIME. I've grown a
lot in the last two weeks that I've been here. We haven't even had
time to dendo really but stuff just keeps happening. We just work and
stuff just happens. This is the most fun I've ever had! 

Also I forgot
to mention that Elder Wilson and I are pretty much the same person and
we get along really well and have tons of fun while we work!

Love you guys!