Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Yearmark 半分

Date: 8/1/2016
Place: Inuyama City, Aichi Pref.
Companion: Elder Gubbay


Well here we are, the start to another great week! Yesterday was a
good pday. At night we went to go see Carolina, a nice Peruvian lady
that we found on the street last week. We couldn't go inside so we
just stayed out in the parking lot and sat in some lawn chairs that
she brought out for us. She was so so nice and very interested in what
we had to say! Then as we were about to leave, her sister came home
and started talking to us. Turns out she is friends with one of the
members who lives in Kani! Then as we were talking to them, a
Brazilian family got home and came to talk to us in the parking lot. I
was surprised when they addressed us as Elders. Turns out that they
were members back in Brazil and then couldn't find the church when
they moved to Japan! So they have been going to another Christian
church for the past few years. They started talking to Carolina and
her sister about how awesome it is to be a Mormon and even explained
the Word of Wisdom to her! Haha wow I LOVE SOUTH AMERICANS! Definitely
a night full of miracles!



Today we baked cookies and then biked the ten kilometers to Komaki and
tried to meet Uncle Yoshi. I think he may have been asleep (he works
nights) so we just left the cookies and a note. Then we headed off for
Fabio Barros' house, on the other side of Komaki because it's his
birthday. On he way there, we stopped off at my grandpa's factory. It
was a little bit late so everyone had just gone home :(. So we left
another package of cookies there. As we continued to Fabio's house we
contacted a lot of people on the street and found a lot of good
potential investigators! Oh, also it had been raining cats and dogs
the entire day so we were soaking wet and our rain jackets were
plastered to us with sweat and so it was a miracle that anyone would
even talk to us in the rain! We had a ton of fun and a lot of success!
We finally made it out to Fabio's but were too late and he had gone to
bed (he works weird hours and so goes to bed pretty early). We hunted
out a few less active addresses in the area but they had all moved
away. So then we biked another ten kilometers home (still pouring
rain). For some reason missionary work seems to work the best in the
rain hahaha. We had such a good day! We got home, hung up all of our
wet gear to dry and then began feasting upon the packets of dehydrated
mashed potatoes and gravy that my parents sent me. It was the most
beautiful thing I have ever tasted! I haven't had mashed potatoes in a
year! I love my family :)

そして今日は、クッキーを焼いて、10キロ自転車に乗って、小牧に住んでいる私の叔父のよしにいちゃんに会いに行きました。よしにいちゃんは夜働いているので、まだ寝ていたようでした。なので、クッキーとメモを置いて行きました。それから反対側の小牧に住んでいる、ファビオ・ブロさんのお宅へ、向かいました。今日は、彼の誕生日なんです。その途中で、おじいちゃんの工場へ寄ったんですが、時間的にも遅かったので、みんな帰ってしまった後でした。残念。クッキーを置いて、いざ、ファビオさんのお宅へ。道中、たくさんの人と話すことができ、求道者候補の方も何人か見つけることができたんですよ!ああ、いうのを忘れてましたが、今日は、一日中土すごい砂降りの雨で、カッパなんか汗で体にびっちりくっついてる状態だったので、雨の中、こんなすざまじい格好をしている私たちと、話をしてくれる人が見つけられただけでも奇跡ですよ!とっても楽しくて、いっぱい成功しましたよー!その後、ファビオさんのお宅に着いたのが遅かったので、もう床についてしまった後でした。(彼もちょっと早い時間に仕事なので、夜は早々と寝るようです)その辺に住む、お休み会員のを探してみましたが、みんなもう引越ししてしまっていました。ということで、また10キロ自転車に乗って、土砂降りの中帰りました。なぜか伝道活動って、雨の日に上手くいくもんなんですよ。ははは 今日は、本当に楽しかった〜!うちに帰って、カッパを干して、私の両親が送ってきてくれた粉末のマッシュポテトを、グレービーというソースをかけて食べました。すんごい美味しかったー!1年ぶりのマッシュポテト。家族が大好きです:)

Today was seriously the most effective, awesome day I've ever had on
my mission! We had four investigator lessons, all with a member
present! We woke up, did our studies and then instead of eating lunch,
went to the church and taught Miwa. He had a lot of hard questions and
he speaks really hard Japanese so thank goodness for Tsuda Kyoudai who
helped us out a ton! We taught him the restoration and it went pretty
well. He's not really interested in joining a religion just yet but he
wants to learn more. Then we took a 30minute break until Kawaguchi San
came with Fujisaki Shimai. We taught her the Restoration as well and
it was awesome! She committed to read the Book of Mormon! The Spirit
was there and my companion bore awesome testimony in Japanese! That
was a proud trainer moment :). Then immediately we went to Daiso and
picked up Carolina and gave her a church tour and taught her the
Restoration in Spanish! Specifically, Elder Gubbay taught her while I
sat here and smiled and nodded haha. I got to bear testimony in
Spanish for the first time (very short, simple and broken Spanish mind
you). We were teaching at the church from noon until five and Tsuda
Kyoudai stayed there for the entire time to help us! I love Tsuda
Kyoudai! Afterwards we were walking from the church to our apartment
to grab something to eat before heading to 川辺 with Kevin when we
bumped into this kid with a duffle bag full of frisbees. He was nice
and we started to talking and ended up playing frisbee for half an
hour! Then we really had to go so we left, made a pit stop at the
apartment and then hopped on a train with Kevin and went to Terue
Shimai's house clear up in Kawabe! Kevin will soon be leaving us and
going back to Provo :(. But we had a super fun night with him, Terue,
her mom and Terue's baby! Terue Shimai's baby is the cutest  human in
the world! Terue Shimai fed us good food and we hung out in Portuguese
(again, mostly Elder Gubbay talked and I just smiled and nodded
because I can't Portuguese yet) and then we taught a quick message to
her mom. She has had some bad experiences and doesn't want to join a
religion as of yet but she is Christian and wants to continue meeting
with us.
Today was a day full of miracles and great blessings. Today was the
ideal "dream day" of missionary work! We just stayed at the church and
taught the Restoration to three people. One was a self referral, one a
member referral and one we found through streeting. Then we taught a
member's mom in her home.
So really we just taught the Restoration four times today. It was
incredible. I felt the Spirit so much. There is power in the message
of the restoration.

今日は、今までの宣教師をやってきた中で、一番効率がよく、素晴らしい日になりました!求道者のレッスンが、4つもできたんですよ。しかも全部、教会員の立会い付きです!今朝起きて、勉強した後、お昼ご飯を抜いて、教会へ行って、美輪さんのレッスンをしました。彼はたくさん質問をしてくれてたんですが、ちょっと彼の日本語が分かりづらく、津田兄弟がいてくれて、本当に助かりました!今日は、福音の回復について、レッスンをしました。まだ宗教に入るとかは別として、もうちょっと学んでいきたいそうです。その後、川口さんと藤崎姉妹が来るまで、30分の休憩。川口さんにも、福音の回復についてのレッスンをしたんですが、とてもうまくいき、モルモン書も読んでくれると言ってくれました!御霊をとても強く感じ、私の同僚が日本語で、とても素晴らしい証をしてくれました。(トレーナーとして、彼をとても誇りに思いました:)それから、ダイソーへ、キャロライナさんを迎えに行きました。教会のツアーをした後、スペイン語で福音の回復のレッスンをしました。まあ詳しく言いますと、グベイ長老がレッスンをして、私は横でニコニコ頷いているだけだったんですが、、、ははは スペイン語で初めて証をしました。(すごく短くて、下手なスペイン語ででしたけどね)


The mountain of Gifu as seen from Kawabe. 川辺から見た、岐阜の山々

Today we had our first DTM of the transfer. We decided to switch it up
so all of us gaijin had to do it in Japanese and the Japanese
missionaries had to do it in English! It went pretty well! Then we
went to Kani and taught Bruna's mom with Tsuda Kyoudai. We also gave
her a blessing. Then we came back to the church and had a jam session!
It was my first proper jam session in Japan! It was pretty fun!
Isshiki Kyodai plays pretty much every instrument on earth and sings
awesomely well and Fabio brought his electric drum kit. Carolina came
and brought a shamisen! It was the most beautiful instrument that I've
ever seen but no one knew how to play it haha. It was a good time!

その後、津田兄弟と可児へ行って、ブルーナさんのお母さんにレッスンをしました。今日は、神権の祝福もしたんですよ。それから教会に戻ってきて、ジャム・セッションをしました!日本に来てからこんな正式にやったのは、これが初めてでした!すごく楽しかったです!一色兄弟は、歌もうまいし、楽器だったらほとんど何でも弾けるんですよ。ファビオさんがエレキドラムを持ってきてくれて、キャロライナさんが何と三味線を持ってきてくれました!三味線、とっても素敵な弦楽器なんですが、誰も弾き方を知らず、、、ははは でも楽しかったです!

Another week has flown by. Man time goes by insanely fast out here!
Today was my Year Mark. A lot has changed and a lot has happened since
I left for the MTC. I still remember getting food poisoning and going
into the MTC a day late. It doesn't seem that long ago. It definitely
doesn't feel like it's been a year. This past year has been
incredible, full of loving friends, long bike rides, rainy weeks, sun
burns, talking to people on trains, text messages telling us to never
come back, all you can eat sushi, wet shoes, ripped pants and new
faces in church. The mission is changing me more than I ever expected
and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. There is no
experience that can compare. It is the hardest, funnest, weirdest work
that you will ever love. The other day I was biking down the road and
thinking to myself, "I am riding a mountain bike in the pouring rain
through the mountains of Gifu Japan with a Frenchman. We are
communicating in a weird mixture of Japanese, English and Spanish and
we are on our way to deliver cookies to some Filipinos, Brazilians and
Japanese people. This is freaking weird." I love being a missionary so
much! I am not the same person who stepped into the MTC a year ago and
I hope to change a whole lot more in the year to come!
Today we went to the Fujisaki family's house and they let me do the
traditional burning of a shirt in their burn can out front.


FIYA! I ruined a white shirt about 10 months ago back in 'Nam (Nonami). I've been saving it for this ever since! 火!10ヶ月ほど前、まだ野並で伝道している時にダメにしてしまったワイシャツを、この時のためにとっときました!

To be honest I'm a bit disappointed to be halfway done. It feels right
but I don't want it to end! I'm still in denial that I'm at my halfway
point. But I can't make time go back so here's to new beginnings.
Here's to dendoing in the rain. Here's to investigator lessons, monaca
icecreams and soggy Book of Mormons. Here's to Halfway. Here's to one
year down and one to go.

Elder Johnson



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