Monday, February 29, 2016

I AM SPIDER-MAN - according to drunk Japanese guy‏ 私はスパイダーマンで す。(酔っ払いのおっちゃん説)

Date: 2/29/2016
Place: Kariya
Companion: Elder Legault


Saw my grandparents again! おじいちゃんおばあちゃんと!
Feb 17
 Yesterday I got to meet a Nagoya Mission legend. Sefa Vaka and his
wife Simi! They just had a baby (she's adorable!). They took all four
of us out to lunch at this burger shop. Man I didn't even know they
had burger shops in Japan! It was good. There a many reasons for these
wonderful folks to be considered legends throughout the mission but
the primary reason is that Sefa is a pro rugby player from Tonga. He's
so cool! We had a wonderful time with him and his wife. Sefa loves to
tell us crazy stories of his adventures. He's had an exciting life.
Haha Sefa and Simi made my day! 
  Then we went all the way out to Tokoname, looking for some less
actives that were in our records but know one had ever heard of. It
took us forever to get out there and we talked to some people on the
trains as we rode. The stop we wanted to go to was one stop away from
the Nagoya Airport! So we almost got to get on the airports nonstop
shuttle but it turns out that was all reserved seating. So we hopped
on an express train of sorts and headed out towards the airport. 
they built the airport here, I guess there wasn't enough room to put
it anywhere or something, so they BUILT AN ISLAND and that became the
airport. Pretty cool! So the only way out there is by taking a train
or driving a car out over the ocean on this long bridge. We were close
enough to the airport that we could see the airplanes taking off close
by but the city was too crowded for us to get a glimpse of the ocean.
I really wanted to see the ocean! 
 Anyway we tracked down this guy's
address and discovered that he had moved a long time ago. But the lady
next door noticed that we were freezing so she gave us a bunch of hand
warmer packets and some hot tea! (I felt so bad when we had to refuse
the tea she made us). We definitely want to go back and return the
favor somehow. 
 Then we rode trains allllll the way but up to 太田川 (Otagawa) eki and
there a member (Miwa 兄弟) picked us up in his car and we continued our
hunt for these phantom less active members. We found another address,
but sadly the apartment was vacant. Then we spent the rest of the
night circling all over Japan, looking for this Chinese Guy's
apartment building. Sadly we never found it. 
  Ok white kid rant moment: JAPANESE TOOTHPASTE!? I ran out of American
toothpaste at the end of last transfer and then when I came to Kariya,
I forgot my American toothbrush up in Matsumoto. So the first thing I
buy when I get here is 100% Japanese dental care. No offense to
Japanese people but I like my American toothbrush and toothpaste!
Sister Romney had an extra tube of toothpaste and was kind enough to
give it to me and Sefa bought me a pack of actual American
toothbrushes at Costco (that's 12 toothbrushes!) so I'm all set now :) 



Feb 19
 We had a miracle today! So first of all, we went to DTM. The zone
leaders were there so shared a short message. I love our district! I
especially love Elder Jenks!! Haha he's super fun! After DTM we went
to an appointment at a members house, the Tsukiyama family. On our way
there, we were at Chiryu station waiting for our train and we started
talking to this high school kid. He started out being kinda awkward
and a little shy but after a minute he warmed up to us and we became
friends! Haha he didn't have any plans for the night so he came to the
Tsukiyamas with us, just to say hi to them! They, of course, wouldn't
let him just say hi but invited him in for dinner with us! So we
talked over the wonderful meal that Tsukiyama Shimai prepared for us
and discovered that our new friend was a very interesting fellow
indeed. He LOVES trains. More than I've ever seen anyone love a hobby.
Trains are his life. He will set at train stations and just watch them
go by for hours. He's very funny and we had a great time with him! The
Tsukiyama family are now great friends with him. We spent most of the
time becoming his friends and by the end, didn't have a lot of time
for a lesson but we did talk about the purpose of life. He was very
very interested and intrigued. He wants to meet us again to talk about
the purpose of life! He had to go so we set another appointment for
two days later and left. So in short: we found a guy on our way to a
member appointment, he ended up joining our member lesson and then set
a next appointment. Miracles! 

 We also had a funny experience with a drunk guy! It was Saturday night
and we had a few minutes so we started talking to random folks. We
ended up running into this guy who was drunk off his face and told us
that we were Spider-Man and superman and that we needed to work
together to protect the earth! So we promised him that we would help
him protect the earth and gave him a Book of Mormon. He tried to give
us a hundred dollars worth of Japanese money for it! Haha when we told
him that we wouldn't accept money he got down on the ground and
started bowing to us on his hands and knees. He talked about Marvel
and the Avengers for a while and we tried to show him the Because of
Him video, hoping that maybe that could leave at least a small
impression on his intoxicated mind. Haha we weren't able to finish the
video though because he wouldn't stop talking. Anyway we made a
promise together to combat the forces of evil and protect the earth
from danger, and then we parted ways. Super fun guy! I hope he read
that Book of Mormon. In a way, we were actually guided to him. I know
we were supposed to give him that Book. Haha even if he doesn't read
it, maybe somewhere down the road someone will. 

 今日は奇跡がありました!まず最初にディストリクト・トレーニング・ミーティングに行きました。ゾーンリーダーたちも来ていて、それぞれ短いメッセージをしてくださいました。このディストリクトが大好きです!特にジェンクス長老と気が合って、彼が大好きです!彼は面白い人ですよ〜!ははは ミーティング後、教会員の築山家族とのアポを取っていたので、訪問しました。その道中、知立駅で電車を待っていた時に、ある高校生の子とおしゃべりしました。おとなしそうな子で、最初はなんとなくギクシャクしていたんですが、だんだんと打ち解けてきて仲良くなることができました。ははは その晩の予定は特にないということだったので、私たちと一緒に来て築山家に挨拶することになりました。築山家の人々はもちろん彼を挨拶だけで帰すわけがなく、夕ご飯に招いてくださいました!築山姉妹が作ってくださった美味しいご飯をいただきながら、おしゃべりを楽しみ、この新しい友達がどんなに面白い人かという発見をしました。彼は電車の熱狂的なファンなんだそうで、今まで見た、どこの誰よりも、彼は電車をこよなく愛しているんです。電車を見る事が大好きで、彼は駅のベンチに座って、電車が行き来するのを何時間も見ていても飽きないんだそうです。彼は面白い子で、すごく楽しかったです。築山家族の皆さんも彼と仲良くなったんですよ。おしゃべりばかりしていて、あまりレッスンする時間がなかったんですが人生の目的についてレッスンしました。とても興味を持ってくれたようで、もう一度会ってまたもっとゆっくり話を聞きたいと言ってくれました。もう彼も帰らなければいけない時間だったので、二日後にまた会う約束をして別れました。簡潔に言うと、教会員の家のアポに行く途中に出会い、結果的に教会員のレッスンに参加し、次のアポをゲットすることができました。奇跡です!
 そういえば酔っ払いのおじさんに関する面白い出来事もあったんですよ!土曜日の夜、少し時間があったので道端で伝道していました。そんな時、ベロベロに酔ったおじさんに出くわし、私達はスパイダーマンとスーパーマンで、一緒に地球の平和を守らなければいけない、と言ってきたのです。一緒に地球の平和を守る約束をし、モルモン書をあげました。お返しに一万円をくれようとしたんですよ!ははは お金は受け取らない由を伝えると、いきなり地に伏して私達を拝み始めたのです。なんとか泥酔状態の彼の心に何かが残るようにと「彼のおかげで」という教会のビデオを見せようとしたのですが、彼のマーベルやアベンジャーの話が止まらないので諦め、お互い悪者に立ち向かい、地球を守ろうという誓いを立てて別れました。面白い人でしたよ!モルモン書読んでくれるといいなぁ。きっとこれも何かの縁でモルモン書を渡すことができたんだと思います。彼が読んでくれなくても、他の誰かが読んでくれるかもしれません。

February 26

 We had a companion exchange with the Toyota elders today!! It was so
fun! I went with Elder Jenks to Toyota and we taught a bunch of
lessons. I got to meet Alia and Lenor, who are way cool! Also Eiji was
there! I love Eiji so much! We had a really good time. Dendoing with
Elder Jenks was really fun! His Japanese is super good and he's a
great missionary. We got to be close friends while we were together. 


 Then in the morning we had District training meeting, then the four
elders went to Sukiya! For those of you who don't know what Sukiya is,
just think of it like this: a bowl of rice covered in thin strips of
cheap, sweet, marinated beef. Today I attempted the King Challenge for
the second time in my mission. The King Challenge is just a
ridiculously large bowl of rice with a ridiculously large mountain of
greasy meat strips on top. I DID IT. I DEFEATED THE KING CHALLENGE.
Haha actually it's not the most impressive of challenges but I did it!
It made me feel like I was going to die though. It was so unhealthy. I
think my body hates me. 

 翌朝、ディストリクト・トレーニング・ミーティングをやって、みんなで一緒にすき家へ行きました。すき家を知らない人のためにちょっと説明を加えますね。すき家というのはご飯の上に薄〜い肉が甘く味付けされている丼が食べられるところです。今日は、日本に伝道に来てから2回目の「キングチャレンジ」をしました。キングチャレンジをクリアするには、莫大な量のご飯の上にめっちゃくちゃ沢山の脂っこい肉が乗っている丼を食べなければいけません。やってのけてしまいました!キングチャレンジを克服!とそこまで言うほどすごい事じゃないんですけどね。笑 こんなにも健康によくない事をして、結構死にそうな思いをしました。身体がかなり拒否反応を示していました・・・

 After that, Elder Legault and set out for a member's house, whom we
had an appointment with. We found the set of danchis that our records
led us to and when we called her to find out which apartment building
she lived in, we discovered to our dismay that she actually lived in
the opposite direction and was nowhere near where we were! Long story
short; there were 711 wifi conbini trips involved, trains, bikes,
walking and a lot of looking stuff up in the phones map. We finally
found her house! Her name is Da Silva Shimai and she is one of my
favorite people! She is a Brazilian lady and her little granddaughter
loves us! Haha she's always very eager to have us look at her little
drawings and her toys and just chatters in Portuguese the whole time.
I love her! We had a good lesson and got to know Da Silva Shimai well.
She is a very strong person and has incredible faith. She has been
sick lately and asked if we could give her a blessing. We of course,
couldn't do it in Portuguese so Elder Legault and I both have our
first Japanese blessing. Elder Legault did an awesome job! He handled
it incredibly well and correctly used the very difficult phrases that
were required in the blessing. We felt the Spirit burning in that
little room as we taught and blessed this wonderful Brazilian lady. 
 その後、レゴ長老と一緒に教会員の方のアポに行きました。彼女が住んでいる団地に着いたので、どっちのアパートかを聞くために電話をかけたところ、まさかの真逆方向が発覚。話すと長くなるので、簡潔にお伝えしますと、セブンイレブンでのwifi、電車、自転車、徒歩と何回もの電話の地図確認を経てやっと家を見つけました!彼女の名前はダ シルバ姉妹と言って、私も凄く大好きな人です!彼女はブラジル人で、私達宣教師は孫娘さんにかなり気に入られたようで、お絵描きやおもちゃをいろいろ見せてくれたり、とにかくポルトガル語でずっと話しかけてくるんですよ。可愛いですよ〜!霊的なレッスンをし、ダ シルバ姉妹の事をもっとよく知る事ができました。彼女は本当にとても信仰の強い方で、最近体の調子が良くないので、私達に癒しの祝福をしてくれないかとの事でした。もちろんポルトガル語では出来ないので、レゴ長老と私は初めて日本語で儀式をしました。レゴ長老、難しい言葉使いやら何やらとっても上手に出来ましたよ!この素晴らしいブラジル人の姉妹に儀式を施し、とても御霊を強く感じた晩でした。

  My iPad has informed me that I just reached my 200 day mark here in
Japan, yesterday. One thought that went through my head was, "Hey
that's a long time. I'm a little over a quarter of the way done." Then
I was like, "SHOOT ME IN THE FACE. I just got here!! I can't be a
quarter of the way done already!!!" Where did all that time go?! Man
mission time is super weird. It just keeps speeding up! I only get 730
days to be a missionary and 200 of them are already gone?! 


  Anyway. I can't believe all that has happened in the last 200 days.
I've met with Japanese, Brazilians, Indonesians, Filipinos, Korean,
Tongan and Nepalese people. I've eaten some weird stuff. I've seen a
lot of miracles. I've seen a baptism. But the biggest change I've seen
has been in myself. I know that God would never ask anyone to do
something that was a waste of time. So in all my efforts here in
Kariya, even though I haven't seen a ton of success as far as numbers
go, I've seen a great change in myself. And that's the most important
thing of all.
Life is good.
Transfer calls are this Saturday. 

 このiPadによると、私が日本に来てから200日が経ちました。最初、(結構長くいるじゃん。もう1/4は過ぎたね)と思ったんですが、ふと我に帰り、(うへぇ〜〜!まだ来たばっかじゃん!もう1/4以上過ぎちゃったの?!) 伝道って恐ろしいほど時間が過ぎていくのが早いですね!730日間しか宣教師ではいられないのに、そのうちの200日がもう過ぎて行ってしまったなんて、、、。
  Love you all and hope life is treating you well.
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, make sure you are talking to
God and "counseling with the Lord" in all your doings. He will lead
you in the best possible path . I promise. 

Have an awesome week! 

Elder Johnson

Monday, February 15, 2016

I'm still alive!!!! まだ生きてるよーー!

Date: 2/15/2016
Place: Kariya
Companion: Elder Legault 

赴任地: 愛知県刈谷市
同僚: レゴ長老

Sorry I haven't written anything FOREVER!!
Life has been interesting.
I promise I will start doing better at writing, starting next week!


The view from our apartment. アパートからの眺め
Mission life - I love it 伝道生活 最高です!

Rice field 田んぼ

Feb 9 (Tuesday)

It was awesome! Man I love Zone Conferences! We focused a lot on
Family history and we will soon be using Family History materials in
our proselyting. I'm SO EXCITED! That's going to be awesome! President
Ishii was there and shared his amazingness with us. I love President
Ishii so much! The APs Elder Hardcastle and Nakamoto were both there
are shared some great spiritual thoughts. Our zone leaders are Elder
Klein and Elder Jones, both awesome guys! Elder Yamada and Hunsaker
are in my zoneeeee!!! Haha we had so much fun together in Nagano zone
and then we all came down here together! Also sister Brewer is here,
sister Liljenquist (Douki!) and Elder Kariya (MTC comp!) are all
here!! Haha they pretty much just moved half of the Nagano zone down
to Okazaki and we are now having a huge dendo party! I LOVE OUR ZONE!

I love the Kariya area and the ward here is awesome!

I love you all!

Elder Johnson

2月9日 (火曜日)




Zone conference! Life is grand with these guys.  - Elder Yamada ゾーンカンファレンスにて。この人達と一緒だと人生楽しいよ〜。山田長老と
Elder Kariya 刈谷長老と
Yuichi kun from my last area came to see me this Sunday! 前のエリアで友達だった雄一君が日曜日に会いにきてくれました!

Fancy tamagokake gohan (raw egg on rice) and nescau- bestest, fastest dinner
ちょっと豪華な卵かけごはんとネスカウ- 速攻美味しいごはんの出来上がり
SOLO PARTY! 一人ぼっちパーティー
Kuwagata! It's hibernating. 
Super cool!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Transfer!! 転勤!

The fact Date: 2/1/2016
Place: Kariya City, Aichi Pref.
Companion: Elder Legault
日付: 2016年2月1日
赴任地: 愛知県刈谷市
同僚: レゴ長老

January 27 (Wed) 
Wow so much has happened! Today is my six month mark. Six months ago I
left for the MTC. I left a day late because I got food poisoning from
some sketchy shaved ice (haha it was good though). Six months ago I
left my family. Six months ago I put on the black name tag. Six months
ago is when my life began. I can't believe how much stuff has happened
in these past six months, nor can I believe how incredibly fast it all
On Sunday, I said goodbye to the branch and then we had a
farewell party for Elder Andrade. I also got to say goodbye to Aoki
and Preto, which was amazing! Then On Monday, we said goodbye to Elder
Andrade. That night I got to talk to my beloved trainer one last time
before he went home to Australia. Man I love Elder Mahoney! We also
had a little party that night and said goodbye to Miyajima San. After
dropping off Elder Andrade, Elder Horio, Nakatsuka and I were like
three little lost sheep wandering around the frozen valley of
Matsumoto. Without him we were just kinda lost and couldn't really
function properly haha. I packed, then on Tuesday we hopped on a train
and I said goodbye to Matsumoto. 
1月27日 (水曜日)
いやぁ〜実に色々ありました。今日で伝道に出てちょうど6ヶ月目です。六ヶ月前、宣教師訓練センターに入りました。食中毒になって、みんなより1日遅れでしたがw  家族とさよならしてから6ヶ月。この黒い名札を付けてから6ヶ月。そして新しい人生がはじまってから6ヶ月たちました。本当にいろいろな事がありました。時間が経つのは本当に早いものです!
日曜日に松本支部の皆さんとさよならをし、その後アンドラージ長老のお別れ会をやりました。アオキさんやプレトさんにもお別れを言いに行けて良かったです。そして月曜日、アンドラージ長老に最後のさよならを言いました。その晩私の大好きだったトレイナーのマホニー長老と、彼がオーストラリアに帰る前にもう一度だけ、最後に電話で話す事ができました。本当にいい人で大好きです!その晩はささやかなお別れ会も宮島さんと一緒にしました。アンドラージ長老がいなくなってしまってからというもの、残された私達3人はこの寒い松本の街をさまよう迷子の子羊のようで、アンドラージ長老なしでは何をしていいのか分からない様な状態でした。ハハハ 私は荷作りをして、火曜日の朝電車に乗り、松本の街にさよならをしました。

The train ride to Nagoya station 名古屋駅行きの道中
Man I love that place but I'm not
gonna lie, going back to Aichi is gonna be a lot warmer! At Nagoya
eki, I got to see SO MANY MISSIONARIES! It was weird though because so
many have gone home. Man it was way fun though! I said goodbye to
Elder Horio and Nakatsuka, my two beloved, crazy nihonjins, and that
was it.
I hopped on a train to Kariya with my new companion, Elder
Legault (it's French, say "Lego"). I'm now transfer 5 (WHAT THE
HECK?!?!) and he's transfer 3 so in missionary terms, I'm his momma.
新しい同僚のレゴ長老と電車に乗り、いざ刈谷へ。私は転勤5宣教師となり、同僚は転勤3なので、宣教師の世界では私は彼のお母さんになる事になります。笑  (注: 宣教師は自分達がどれだけいるかというのを毎6週ごとにある転勤の数によって数え、最初の転勤2回の間は「ビーンちゃん(訓練中の新米宣教師の事)」とよばれるのですが、その新米宣教師を訓練する宣教師を「トレイナー」とよび、そのトレイナーを「ビーンちゃんのお父さん」ともよぶ風潮があり、ビーンちゃんが最初のトレイニングを終えると、次に彼の先輩宣教師となった人が、引き続きトレイニングを継続するのですが、その2番目につく先輩宣教師の事を「お母さん」とよぶらしいのです。)
Elder Legault and I レゴ長老と私
Elder Johnson the second was his trainer so he's gonna be all
Johnsoned out by the end of the transfer! He's really quiet and calm.
Way nice guy though! Likes band and is from Texas. 
The Johnsons- J3, J1, and J2 ザ・ジョンソンズ 左から3号、1号、2号
More, THE JOHNSONS もっとザ・ジョンソンズ
APARTMENT IS BEAUTIFUL. It's on the seventh floor and an entire wall
is just Windows and sliding glass doors so we can just look out over
Aichi県and just see everything for kilometers. It's amazing! The
apartment is really big and really clean. I GET MY OWN ROOM!! I have
my own room to keep all of my stuff in! And we sleep on air
mattresses. Imma die of happiness in this place! We are right next to
a pretty good sized eki so there's plenty of people to talk to. 
view from the apartment アパートからの眺め
I went
to English class for the first time tonight and it was SUPER FUN! It's
gonna be awesome working with these folks! Also I met the Shimai in
our area today and they are super cool! This is going to be an awesome
transfer!! So the missionaries in our area are me, Elder Legault,
Sister Romney and Sister Graviet. And the cool part is, this isn't a
branch it's a WARD!! I'm told there are over a hundred people
attending Sacrament Meeting weekly!! I'm way way stoked to work here! 
今晩、始めて英会話のクラスに行ったんですが、すっごく楽しかったです!このグループ、これから面白くなりそうです!姉妹宣教師とも会ったんですが、とてもいい人達でこれからが楽しみです。ここにいる宣教師は私、レゴ長老、ロムニー姉妹とグラベット姉妹の4人です。そして、聞いて驚かないでくださいね、、、ここは支部ではなくてワードなんですよーー!(ワードは支部より大きな団体) 聞いた話によると、聖餐会にはなんと100人以上も来るんだとか!いや〜ここで働けてすっごい嬉しいです!
 1/29 (Fri) 
Today we got to meet with Tsukiyama kyodai! We were gonna have him
tachiai for a investigator lesson but the investigator got influenza
and couldn't come :(. So we just hung out with Tsukiyama kyodai for a
while and became awesome friends! He is an institute teacher here at
the Kariya Ward. THEY HAVE THEIR OWN INSTITUTE HERE!! They actually
have two institute teachers and two institute classes, as well as the
Nagoya institute classes that people travel to. This is my first time
being assigned to a ward! Apparently they have OVER A HUNDRED ACTIVE
MEMBERS! I'm way stoked to work with these people!!! Today we went
hunting for less actives. The good part is that we found all of them
and all of them happened to be home! That NEVER HAPPENS so we were way
excited about that miracle. The less good part is that the sky dumped
water on us all day and my companion didn't have a rain coat so he
nearly froze to death. As we were riding home we heard this weird
sound and looked to see a car on the road next to us had blown a hole
in a tire and pulled over. We turned around and got to the nearest
crosswalk, where we crossed (the legal way) and went over to help her.
It just so happened that she was an 80 year old grandma named Murakami
San who just noticed that her car sounded funny and didn't know that
she'd blown a tire. So we got out her spare and Elder Legault and I
changed her tire in the dark while the sky continued to dump on us. It
was awesome! She loves us so much now and took us out to dinner
immediately after we finished! While we were there, she also bought us
takeout and told us to take it home and warm it up for breakfast! Haha
she is the nicest person in the world and is super funny too! As we
sat down to eat we asked if we could pray over our food. She was ok
with it so we quickly explained prayer and then prayed over our food.
We ate and talked and exchanged numbers. After she left we promptly
called the district leader because it was past curfew. Haha he said
that we were ok and just to get home as soon as we could. We rushed
home and now everything is hanging to dry in our apartment. Man these
are the best days of my life!! Tomorrow we get up and head strait to
the ward Mochitsuki party! We saw lots of miracles today. We hit every
single less active we wanted to and then we got to do some service and
made a new best friend! Also my suitcases made it from Nagano Ken
today so now I have all of my stuff! Which means that tonight I get to
sleep on my awesome Star Wars pillow and then wake up and not have to
make breakfast because Murakami San happened :). Life is officially
1月29日 (金曜日)
帰りに自転車をこいでいると、おかしな音が聞こえたので振り返ってみると、すぐそこで車がパンクして駐車しているところでした。近くの歩道橋まで行って道を渡り何か手伝えることはないかと様子を見に行ってみました。村上さんという80歳のおばあちゃんで、何か変な音がするなぁと車を停めたところで、タイヤがパンクしているのに気がつかなかった様です。レゴ長老と私は早速スペアを取り出して、暗い雨の中、作業に取り掛かりました。村上さんを助けられて、良かったです!とても気に入ってもらった様で、その後ごはんを食べに連れていってくれました。そのお店で「明日の朝、レンジで温めて食べなさい。」と余分にご飯を買って持たせてくれたんですよ〜!ハハ 凄く親切で、面白い人でした!食べる前に祈ってもいいか聞いたら良いとの事で、お祈りについて素早く説明してからお祈りしました。楽しくおしゃべりしてから電話番号を交換して別れました。門限時間を過ぎていたので、彼女が帰ってから急いでディストリクトリーダーに電話をしました。今回はしょうがないのでこのまま急いで家に真っ直ぐ帰る様にとの事だったので、急いで帰り、ただいま濡れた服がアパートの家中干してあります。今日は本当に全く最高の日でした! 明日は朝からワードの餅つきパーティーに行くんですよ!今日は色々な奇跡が見れました。訪問したお休み会員の方々は全員在宅中だったし、困った人を助けて新しい友達も出来ました!それに今日は私の荷物が長野県からようやく届いたんですよ!という事で、今晩は自分のスターウォーズの枕カバーで寝れて、村上さんのおかげで、明日起きたら朝ごはんはレンジでチンするだけ。やった!
1/30 (Sat) 
Today was the Kariya Mochitsuki party!
It was fun! I mostly just ran around trying to get to know people. The
day I got here I called the Bishop and a few other people in church
leadership and talked to them a little bit. I got to meet a few of
them throughout the week and today I got to meet the Bishop! He's way
cool and I look forward to working with him. In talking to some of the
members here, they have told me that this ward wants to do missionary
work but just needs a little genki-ing up. They need to see some
enthusiasm to help motivate and direct them. They seem to dendo pretty
well already, seeing by the extremely impressive number of less
actives and non members (easily outnumbering the members). They just
need to take the next step. They just need to see some movement in the
work. Or so I'm told. I can't wait to meet all of the members
tomorrow! The last baptism in Kariya was close to a year ago. My hope
is that we can restart the area and add a little fire to it. I haven't
met this ward yet but from what I've gathered, I think all this ward
needs is some fire and to see a little success and then the Kariya
area will explode. This area is golden, just waiting for us. I can't
wait to get started :) 
2/1 (Mon) 
Went to church for the first time in Kariya yesterday. I LOVE THIS
WARD!! It's BIG. We went and visited a Brazillian member after church
and she reminded me of Aoki so much! Haha we love her. She's awesome!

This is my first transfer as Senior Companion. I'm way nervous but way
excited! I'm feeling the responsibility but I'm also feeling the
freedom! I've learned a lot from the missionaries in Matsumoto and I
can't wait to start applying those things here in Kariya. This place
is right next door to my first area and it's pretty much exactly the
same, only bigger! Now that I know how to dendo better, I can't wait
to get started here! Wow this is going to be an awesome transfer! The
biggest thing that I learned from being in the Zone Leader apartment
in Matsumoto is faith. All it takes is faith and a lot of hard work
and you will see crazy amounts of success. Between the four Matsumoto
Elders, we had 9 investigators in Elder Andrade's last sacrament
meeting! Haha well, they had 8 investigators and we had 1. I want to
develop that Elder Andrade level of faith. I think this transfer is
going to help me with that a lot. I'm way excited! 
 Love you all! 
 Elder Johnson
2月1日 (月曜日)
今回は初めて先輩としての赴任でちょっと不安もありますが、とっても楽しみでもあります。先輩としての責任の重さも感じていますが、同時に自由もエンジョイしています。松本にいた宣教師達から本当に沢山学んだので、その学んだ事をここ刈谷で活かしていきたいと思っています。ここは私の一番最初の赴任地のすぐ隣で、街自体はもうちょっと大きいですが、基本的には一緒です。やっと伝道の仕方が分かったので、もっと伝道したくてウズウズです。これから忙しくなりますよ〜!松本でゾーンリーダーから学んだ事は、信仰を持つ事がまず一番大事だという事。信仰を持って死にものぐるいで働けば、成功を見る事が出来るのです。松本に4人の長老達がいたんですが、アンドラジ長老の最後の聖餐会には9人も求道者が来てくださったんですよ!その内の8人はアンドラジ長老達の求道者で、私達は1人でしたけど。ハハハ! アンドラジ長老レベルの信仰を持つのが目標です。今回の赴任でいろいろと試されてちょっとはそれに近くなれるんじゃないかと期待しています。頑張ります!

Birthday party with Brother Miwa! 三輪兄弟のお誕生日会にて

Bonus video (Ed: I forgot to add last week) ボーナスビデオ (先週載せ忘れた分です)