Monday, October 26, 2015

NEW INVESTIGATOR!! And more curry 新しい求道者!!!とカレー

Date: 10/26/2015
Place: Nonami
Companion: Elder Mahoney
日付: 2015年10月26日
場所: 名古屋市天白区野並
同僚: マホニー長老
Yep. This picture pretty much describes me and my entire life. 

October 19, 2015 
I MET WITH MY GRANDPARENTS TODAY! It was awesome! I will write more
about it tomorrow when I have time but it sufficeth me to say that we
went to Indo curry and there was a grand time had by all! 
 Ok so we went to our favorite Indo Curry place and it was amazing!
They brought us tons of Nagoyans!!! Like lots and lots of Nagoyans and
we have already eaten a whole box of them haha. It was super fun
seeing them again! I love my grandparents :) 


はい、続きです。私達のお気に入りのインドカレーレストランは凄く良かったですよ~!祖父母はなごやんを一杯もってきてくれました!あれだけ一杯もらったのに、すでに一箱食べちゃいました。ハハハ 祖父母にまた会えて楽しかったです!おじいちゃんとおばあちゃんが大好きです!

October 25, 2015 
Woah I haven't written in forever! Ok so I'm gonna have to summarize a
bit. So I have been sick for the last two weeks but I'm still loving
life and working hard! But nonetheless we didn't see a whole lot of
action till Friday and Saturday. On Friday we went to Narupark and met
with Erna! She is Rose Shimai's friend and she is really nice. We met
her there with Arisaka Kaicho (Branch Pres) and walked to her house.
She has been facing some health problems and wanted our help. She
can't sleep at night and it is really freaking her out. We gave her a
blessing and a Book of Mormon. We comforted her to the best of our
abilities and then left. I called her the next day and she said that
she had gotten a full night's sleep without any sleeping meds! She was
so happy! Haha she had fallen asleep reading her Book of Mormon. I
know that God made our bodies and He can heal them. Then today SHE
CAME TO CHURCH!!! It was the greatest thing! Unfortunately her member
friend, Rose, was sick and couldn't come so she sat with us and I got
to explain Sacrament Meeting/Translate it into English. FUKUI CAME TO
CHURCH TODAY AS WELL!!!!! We had two investigators at church today!
That was a new experience and super super cool. I was busy translating
so Elder Eadie kindly took care of Fukui and made sure that he had a
good Sacrament meeting. As we were going into Sunday school a random
person came walking into the church and started talking to us! I was
with Fukui so unfortunately I didn't really get to talk to her but the
members told me that she is a self referral from the Takabata area and
wanted to go to Sacrament meeting but was confused about the time.
Then she suddenly left! I'm a little freaked out because no one got
her contact info but I will ask the members that she was talking to
and try to learn more. We had a good Sunday school and then Fukui had
to leave for a meeting. The other three Elders and I bounced off to
Priesthood meeting and left Erna in the care of the Relief Society
sisters. I was a little nervous because Japanese is a little bit hard
for her. But then I got pulled out of Priesthood meeting early by one
of the sisters to set up another appointment with Erna and one of the
sisters right away! Haha I was a little nervous for her but when I
came in I saw her practically being swarmed by the Relief Society
sisters and she was beaming and having the time of her life! Haha man
our sisters know how to fellowship! When I came in with Elder Whited,
the crowd dispersed and we were able to make a second appointment with
Erna. Our member present will be none other than the amazing Inagi
Shimai (The Inagi family is pretty much the hardest dendoing family on
the planet. They're AWESOME). We are teaching a lesson with Inagi
Kyodai on Tuesday and we are teaching Erna with Inagi Shimai on
Man it's been an awesome week. This is the life! So so many amazing
things have happened that I don't even have time to write about. I
know that God is our literal Father and that He loves every single one
of us. I know that God has restored His Gospel to the earth and that
this is His Church. Anyone who prays with real intent and follows the
commandments of God will be changed for the better. And that's what
life is all about. Changing. Changing to become a better person. I
watch God change people's lives all around me every day but perhaps
the greatest change I have witnessed thus far has been within myself.
I am not the same person who left America three months ago. And to
think I've only been out for a couple months! 

 日曜学校に行く途中で誰か知らない人が入ってきて、話しかけてきました。あいにく私は福井さんと一緒だったので、ゆっくり話しが出来ませんでした。ある教会員の話によると彼女は高畑からきた求道者で、せいさん会に行きたかったらしいんですが、時間を勘違いしたということらしいです。連絡先もきかないまま突然帰ってしまったので、パニックになってしまいましたが、彼女と話していた教会員の人にもっと話しをきこうと思います。いい日曜学校のレッスンのあと、福井さんは別の会議に出席するために帰ってしまったので、アーナさんを扶助協会の姉妹達に託して、他の3人の宣教師たちと一緒に神権会に行きました。アーナさんはあまり日本語が得意ではなかったのでちょっと心配でしたが、神権会の途中で教会員の姉妹から呼ばれてでていくと、アーナさんと次のアポをスケジュールするようにとのことでした。(笑)ちょっと心配していたんですが、部屋の中を覗くとアーナさんは姉妹達に囲まれていて、とても嬉しそうにしていました。ここの姉妹達はどうやって宣教師を助けるかよーくわかっていますね!ワイテッド長老と私が部屋に入ってくるとみんな気を遣ってどこかへ行ってしまい、アーナさんと次のアポをスケジュールすることが出来ました。立ち会い教会員は稲城姉妹です!(稲城家族はとっても伝道熱心な家族です) 火曜日は稲城兄弟がレッスンの立ち会い、火曜日は稲城姉妹の立ち会いでアーナさんのレッスンです。ホント、今週はいい一週間でした。沢山素晴らしい事があったんですが、全部書ききれません。神様は私達の天の父であり、私達を愛していらっしゃいます。神様はこの地に福音を回復してくださり、この教会が神様の教会である事を知っています。誰でも真剣に祈り神様の戒めを守るならば、人生を変える事が出来るのです。それこそが人生の目的だと思います。自分をより良くなる様、磨くのです。神様を知る事によって人が変わっていくのを毎日の様に見てきましたが、今までで見た一番大きな変化は多分私自身なんではないかと思います。たったの数ヶ月間の事ですが、3カ月前にアメリカを発った自分と比べると明らかに変わったと思います。

Green Bean kokans! (*exchange) 新米宣教師の交換伝道!
Sister Hoshino! 星野姉妹
The yogurt drink challenge aftermath. We each drink a pack of apple juice and yogurts.
To everyone considering serving a mission: if you embrace your mission and let it change you, you will move forward in ways that you never imagined possible. Give God complete control of your life. I promise that He can build a much
richer, happier life than you ever could on your own. Give Him all of
your money, give Him your girlfriend/boyfriend, give Him your dream
job, give Him your scholarships, give Him your future in sports,
music, academics, WHATEVER, give Him your Family, give Him your future
and just lay it out on the table and say, "Dear God I want to live
life to it's fullest and I'm willing to give up everything that I am
right now so that you can make me all that I can become." And He will
tell you whether or not you should serve a mission. And you will have
伝道に出る事を考えている全ての人へ: もし伝道活動に身を委ね、あなたの全てを捧げるならば、今まで自分では思っても見なかった方向へ人生が向かっていくでしょう。神様はあなた自身が自分で築き上げようとするよりも、もっと充実した幸せな人生を与えてくださることを私は約束します。神様に全財産、彼氏や彼女、素晴らしいキャリア(仕事)、奨学金、未来輝くスポーツ選手への道、音楽家になる夢、大学進学の夢もみんな、そして自分の家族や未来を全て神様の前へさらけ出し、「愛する神様、私は自分の人生を自分の能力の限り精いっぱい生きたいのです。今の自分の全てをあなた様の御手に委ねますので、行くべき道を示して下さい。」と言う時に、神様はあなたが伝道にでるべきか否かを教えて下さいます。そしてあなたの心に平安が訪れるのです。

Filipino party in Kasugai!! 春日井でフィリピンのパーティー!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

It will fix itself...自然に解決していきます

Date: 10/19/2015
Place: Nonami
Companion: Elder Mahoney

October 12, 2015
P Day again!!! Sorry I didn't have time to email y'all today! Anyway
so we did emails super fast today and then went to the Higashiyama
zoo! The zoo was alright but hanging out with our fantastic district
was the best! We had a good time. Mihara Choro is still one of my
was my first time on my mission!! It felt so good!!
Then we went shopping and bought all of our food at APITA. Then we
dropped in on an investigator but he wasn't there. So then we housed
around! Ever since my housing experience with Elder Eadie I have
absolutely LOVED housing! And when you love housing, housing becomes
ten times more productive! Only a few of the doors we knocked on
tonight were even opened but the people we got to talk to were great!
It went super well and we made some friends tonight. We talked to this
Vietnamese guy who didn't understand Japanese so we will return with a
Vietnamese Book of Mormon and pamphlets later. I LOVE BEING A
MISSIONARY!!!!! I feel great.


Higashiyama Koen (park) 東山公園

October 15, 2015
Well I got sick today so we're stuck in the apartment. Elder Mahoney
is getting stir crazy haha! This week hasn't seen a whole lot of
dendo. We were inspired by the Gunnersons (couple missionaries in
Meito) to clean up our lives. So we attempted to deep clean the
apartment! Didn't get it quite as clean as we had hoped but it's so
much better than it was. It's easier to feel the spirit when things
are clean. Also we had a lunch appointment with the Ichihashis! Sister
Ichihashi is a fantastic cook.

  今日は私が風邪をひいてしまい、一日中アパートにいました。マホニー長老は外に出たくてウズウズしてました。ハハハ という事で今週はあまりよく伝道出来ませんでした。名東に赴任しているガナーソン夫婦に見習って家の掃除をじっくりとすることにしました。思っていたより綺麗にはなりませんでしたが、それでも前よりはずっとマシなりました。家を綺麗にしていると、聖霊も感じやすくなります。

October 17, 2015
Holy Cow life is crazy and I have no time to write so this will be
quick! Ok so I started out the day feeling kinda sick and down but
then when we started working I started feeling great! In the words of
Wise Elder Eadie, "If you're ever feeling down, trunky, unfocused or
anything all you have to do is start working and it will fix itself."
He's right! We dendoed hard and the things went much better.
Today we attempted to have our first jam session. Not a single person
came haha! I guess we didn't invite well enough or something. So
afterwards we went and visited Ito Kyodai and Robert! Robert will be
confirmed tomorrow!
get a package. My wonderful mother knit me a pair of wool socks for
the winter!! Also she sent a lot of other great stuff that I now don't
have time to write about.

  今日は初めてのジャムセッション。人っこ一人来ませんでした。ハハハ 人の集め方が甘かったのかなぁ。という事で、伊藤兄弟とロバートを訪問しに行きました。ロバートは明日バプテスマの確認を受けるんですよ!

jungle adventures with our friend Shoki! He likes airsoft guns and showed us where to find Kabutomushi larvae

I always wanted to serve a Machete mission and I totally got to for a little bit!

I love being a missionary so so much! It has already changed my life
in countless ways and I've only been out here for a couple months! It
really is one of the best things you can do for yourself and for
others. Love and miss you all! Have a great week!

Elder Johnson



Monday, October 12, 2015

Meito Zone 名東ゾーン

Date: 10/12/2015
Area: Nonami
Companion: Elder Mahoney

October 6, 2015
Yesterday I bought a waffle maker for ten bucks!!! I love P days haha.
Eadie Choro bought a pikachu onesie and Mahoney Choro bought a kumamon(*some cute Japanese character) onesie. Today Elder Mahoney was not feeling well so we stayed in the
apartment all day and did data input for the Area Book Planner app. WE
FINISHED!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!! Which means we are now ready for
Facebook! What we were told is that as soon as the entire mission
finished iPad safety training, we could use the Area Book Planner app.
We did that. Now the next phase is that the entire mission finishes
putting every scrap of paper record into the digital system. And today
Mahoney Choro and I finished that!! So now we just have to wait for
the rest of the mission to finish theirs and apparently we will get
access to Facebook! Then we can share the Gospel online!
So tonight, Mahoney Choro had a great idea. WE MADE OKONOMIYAKI(*Japanese cabbage pancakes) WAFFLES!! Haha they were actually pretty good!! I like the

Tonight after we had finished all of our planning and stuff, I felt
the need to be a little kid again. Tonight is the night I sleep in a
fort!!! So I built a fort out of mafura blankets, chairs and futon
clips. Complete with a flag and everything. I'm so happy!! I'm pretty
sure my companion thinks I'm insane. Perhaps I am BUT IT'S FUN! Hmmm.
I wonder what normal missionaries do at night.

  昨日、ワッフルメーカーを10ドルで購入しました!休みの日っていいねー。ハハハ イディー長老はピカチュー、マホニー長老はくまモンのワンピーススーツパジャマを買いました。今日はマホニー長老があまり調子が良くなかったので、アパートでエリアブックアプリのデータ記入をしました。全部終わりましたーー!という事は、次はフェイスブックです。どういう事かというと、伝道部全部がiPadのトレーニング後、エリアブックアプリが使用出来る様になり、全ての宣教師が全てのデータをアプリに記入しなければいけないと指導を受けています。そして今日、マホニー長老と私はそれが終わりました!後は残りの全ての名古屋伝道部の宣教師が終るのを待つだけです。みんなが終わったら、フェイスブックにアクセスが許可されるらしいです。そうしたらオンラインで伝道出来る様になります。

October 9, 2015
Ok I have no idea where this week has gone! So I think two days ago,
Elder Mahoney was still sick so I spent the day in the apartment
eating everything in sight. I didn't gain a single kilogram :(. Lame.
And then the next day we had a fantastic zone conference! I learned a
ton of stuff about faith. Also we got some great pictures :). Those
will be up on the blog. Elder Rufatto is one of my favorite humans!
Ever since Elder Whiting came and spoke to us, every meeting has been
about faith. I have been learning so so much! I need it so this has
been great! Today we had District Meeting. It was Elder Mahoney's
first one as District Leader so he was pretty stressed out but he did
a great job! Then we came home, bought a TON of icecream and sembe
crackers and ate them while doing weekly planning. It was glorious. Ok
so let me explain our district!! So in our District we have two areas:
Nonami and Meito. In Nonami we have Elder Mahoney and I, then Elder
Eadie and Elder Whiting. Then in Meito we have the Zone Leaders, Elder
Mihara and Schmeil. We have the Meito Sisters  who are Sister Carey
and Bascom. Then we also have the Gunnersons who are our lovely Couple
Missionaries from Utah. So our district consists of Elder Mahoney, me,
Eadie, Whited, Mihara and Schmeil for the Elders and Bascom and Carey
for the Sisters. And then the Gunnersons. I  love our District so
They are so much fun and we have such good missionaries! I wish I had
time to write about all of them because I love them all so much!!
Perhaps I will later. Also I forgot to take pictures with them. Oops.
Anyway we planned a great week and I'M SO EXCITED to dendo(*missionary work) so hard and
talk to lots of people and work like crazy!!! Being a missionary is so
fun. Except in the mornings. Mornings are hard haha.


With English class kids. 子供英会話の生徒達と。

October 10,2015
CONFERENCE!!!! Haha wow we literally have done almost no dendo this
week because we spent the entire week in meetings. But that's ok
because I'm learning a ton of great stuff! So today's conference I
went in with some questions but I didn't get a direct answer. What I
did get was instruction on how to get my answer. Sometimes the Lord
makes us work a little bit before He gives us solutions to our
problems. That way it means so much more and we learn a heap in the
So we ate tons of stuff while watching Conference. I ate a nashi pear
that was nearly the size of my head! Then we went to dinner at our
favorite Indo Curry place with Yoza Kyodai(brother)!
I can't wait for conference tomorrow!


Monday, October 5, 2015

Robert's Baptism ロバートのバプテスマ

Date: 10/5/2015
Area: Nagoya City, Nonami
Companion: Elder Mahoney
日付: 2015年10月5日
同僚: マホニー長老

Sept 28, 2015 (Mon)
P DAAAYYYY!!!!! I love P Day!! Because I get to email all of you guys
and hear from my awesome family! I love my family :). So today was a
pretty typical P Day. We got up at normal time, exercised, did
personal study for an hour and then did companionship study for an
hour which kept us busy until 10am. Then we went to the church
(There's good wifi there) and emailed our families! Then we went to
our favorite Indo Curry restaurant, UPAHAR, and then we went to a
bunch of recycle shops looking for a suit for Elder Eadie, and random
junk for the rest of us. Nonami has a bunch of recycle shops! Then we
went to APITA and got our shopping done! Elder Mahoney and I buy a
pineapple every week just because PINEAPPLES ARE AWESOME. Also I'm
making German pancakes sometime this week so we bought a ton of eggs.
Then we came home and cleaned our apartment. Then we made Snowball
cookies and took them to the Mizusaki family! We went to a birthday
party at their house last week and they were so nice and sent us home
with a bunch of food in tupperwares! So tonight we made cookies and
filled the tupperwares with them and took them to the Mizusakis. It
was a miracle that we even found their house since we've only been
there once and don't have their address. But Mahoney Choro is a genius
at finding places and maps and stuff so he found it without a problem!
It was amazing! We didn't teach or anything, we just talked to them
for a sec and gave them the cookies and their tupperwares. It didn't
seem like that big of a deal but just as I left I got this
overwhelming feeling of pure GOODNESS. It was just a simple act of
service but it felt so good! That's what it's all about. Just serving
other people. Hey guys serve people! It's fun 

We buy pineapples every week cause hey, pineapples

 Sept 30, 2015 (Wed)
KOKANS!!! We kokaned with the other Nonami Elders. I went with Elder
Eadie! He's way cool and we had so much fun! He's from Washington and
went to the Air Force Academy! When we got up in the morning, we got
housed by some Jehovah's Witnesses. They were nice and read us stuff
from the Bible. After studies, we went all the way down to the bottom
of our area looking for a former investigator! She wasn't home. Then
we spent the entire rest of the day knocking on every door of this
big, sketchy apartment building! IT WAS SO FUN!! I've never enjoyed
housing so much in my life! Elder Eadie is just so natural at it and
he helped me to become more comfortable knocking on doors. WE FOUND AN
INVESTIGATOR!! It was the coolest thing! I didn't know what to do when
they didn't close the door on us right away but Elder Eadie had it
handled and we became friends with this kid and his mom. They seem
like really nice people and believe in God! Sort of. They believe in
Dragonball Z and Manga kind of god. But they were so nice and they
accepted a pamphlet! This was my first time ever seeing something come
of housing! What really helped was a talk given at the MTC by Elder
Holland that Elder Eadie showed me on DVD. The main message of the
talk is pretty much just this: "If you really love the Lord, feed His
sheep." It completely changed the way I think about missionary work.
You can't just go out and knock on doors until you wear your shoes
out. You have to do it with the right motives. You have to do it
because you love Christ. You have to do it because he wants you to
feed his sheep. Only then will your conviction be strong enough to
still love the people and continue serving after you have had a
hundred doors closed in your face. We knocked on 120 doors today and
were blessed with an investigator and a potential investigator. IT WAS
AWESOME! Elder Eadie and I felt so good afterwards! We celebrated with
icecream :) 


Kokan (exchange) with Elder Eadie and we housed the entire apartment! 120 doors.

10/2/15 (Fri)
Yesterday I kokaned with Elder Schmeil!! I love that guy!! He's one of
the Meito Zone leaders so he came up to Nonami to do Robert's
baptismal interview but we were unable to meet with Robert. A six year
old checked my ring finger to see if I was still single haha :). We
had a little bit of time to OYM after our other appointments. Elder
Schmeil is so good at making friends on the street! Oops out of time
to write for tonight I will try to catch up tomorrow perhaps! 

Kokan (exchange) with Elder Schmeil! シュメール長老と交換!
Two of my favorite peoples! Elder Rufatto and Elder Mihara! 

10/4/15 (Sun) Robert's Baptism 
Elder Schmeil came back to Nonami again yesterday so that he could
interview Robert. He passed! Also lots of other stuff has been
happening that I haven't had time to write about. ROBERT GOT BAPTIZED
TODAY!!! So we got to church and Ito Kyodai came!! Elder Schmeil very
boldly challenged him to come to church when we visited him earlier in
the week. He came! It was awesome! We got into Chapel and were waiting
for Robert. The meeting started and still no Robert. They started
singing and I really started to freak out. I went outside and called
him but Robert didn't answer. I started praying really hard and
freaking out inside my head but just then Bernie showed up on his
bike! I talked to him for a second and we started freaking out
together. We went upstairs and took the sacrament. Part way through
the Sacrament Robert showed up! Haha he left late but had biked all
the way from his apartment on a mamachari in 15 minutes! Rose Shimai
(She's kinda the Filipino mama of the branch) translated for Robert
during the meeting. Whited Choro, even though he's just been in Japan
for a couple weeks, got up and bore his testimony! So much respect for
that guy. He's super brave. After church we went outside and took
pictures (Rose Shimai LOVES pictures haha) and then we went inside for
the baptism! Pretty much the entire branch came and supported Robert!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE OUR BRANCH! Then we went down to the font room. I had
been freaking out about this since the interview last night. I was
freaking out about it so much that I forgot to fast and also forgot to
prepare a lesson for tonight's appointment haha! I had the privilege
of baptizing Robert. There are few times I've felt the Spirit so
strongly. Lucky for me he wanted it done in English :). So we got down
into the water, they opened the little barn-door thingies to the font,
we danced around awkwardly for a minute trying to get situated in the
tiny font, and then Robert was baptized. It felt so good to get to be
part of such a big event in Robert's life. I honestly just love Robert
so much and I just want him to be happy. I know of no greater source
of happiness than following the teachings of Jesus Christ. 
Robert began his journey down the path of Discipleship. Today Robert
became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 
 Guys I love being a missionary. I know this church is true. I'm
watching it change lives every day. 

Love you all! 
Elder Johnson

 集会の後、外へ出てみんなで写真をとりました。(ローズ姉妹は写真が大好き。ハハハ)その後バプテスマだったんですが、支部のほとんどみんながロバートのために来てくれました。私はこの支部のみんなが大大大好きです!さてバプテスマのフォントへ。私は昨晩の面接の時からかなりパニくっていて、パニくるあまり、今日は断食するのも、今晩のアポのレッスンを準備するのもすっかり忘れてしまいました。ハハハ 私はロバートにバプテスマを施させてもらうことが出来ました。今までの中でこの上なく御霊を強く感じられた経験でした。ラッキーなことに、英語でやってほしいと頼まれました。水の中へ入り、フォントの前の扉を開き、小さなフォントの中でちょっとぎこちなくポジションをとった後、バプテスマが行われました。ロバートのこの一生に一度の大イベントに参加出来て、本当に嬉しいです。心の底からロバートが大好きで、彼には幸せになって欲しいです。イエスキリストの教えに従って生きる事が一番の幸せであると私は知っています。

